
viernes, 5 de abril de 2019

Learning jobs with Kizoa

Hi and welcome!

Today I´m talking about learning occupations and their corresponding workplaces. Do your children know what do you do for a living? This is a nice and interesting activity for the class. It could be very loving asking your kids what are their parents/tutors jobs and where do they go to carry out the occupation. We could first, ask the parents to talk to their children about this, so the day we are making the activity they will be familiar with the concepts. Once circle time is done and everybody shared their information, we will play this Kizoa video presenting some occupations they will have to learn.

Jobs in Kizoa

It is not a long video, so it is easy for the children to keep the attenion while watching it.

Fair winds to everybody and good day!


7 comentarios:

  1. Hi Alicia!
    Your video is very useful to introduce the occupations in a preschool class. They will recognize their parent's jobs easily.

  2. Also, they can work visual and reading skills and they will be focused on the image in a short space of time.

  3. Hi Kaliali!

    I found it an easy and graphic way to teach children any subject. I haven't used this resource yet but with your post I have seen a fun way to learn, because you put the pictures as slidshow and we can make games of which job is next, which job is showing in this moment...

    Good job!

  4. Hello Alicia!

    I think this video is a fantastic way to introduce proffesions to children. It´s not very long so students will keep attention throughout the video. With this exercise we can work not only on oral skills but also on written skills.

  5. Hi Alicia!
    I love this topic to use with little children in class. In my opinion, it´s going to be really useful for our students, they will learn so many professions with it.
    Kizoa is really helpful to introduce them different topics as for example this one, jobs or professions. Congratulations for your video and thank you for sharing it!

  6. Hi!
    I think this video is going to be really useful for to introduce professions to children. Thank you for sharing it, because I have never used Kizoa and I have verified that it´s a very useful resource.

  7. Hello Alicia,

    Great presentation about jobs and workers. It is great that in just 20 seconds you can show something that is easy to understand for the kids and also it gives you a lot of different options to create activities around it. The jobs shown in the video are perfect because you don´t need to give them a lot of information, just ask the students about their personal experiences.

    I didn´t use Kizoa yet, I took a look to see how it works, but after watching your presentation, I will.

    Regards and good job

    Gerardo Ortega
